I had participated in several swasp this past month only to disappointed that my partners did not come through. If you are following my blog regularly you know that my projects were completed and posted on this site. My only down fall was I should have used my instincts and not shipped my swaps till I received adequate confirmation. Meaning checking in regulary with the host. That should have been my RED flag. But no being the honest person I am I sent them their items anyway because I have integrity.
When I told my fellow craft sister Jenny Ashley (since she is on the same swapping site as me) I found out she was having the same issue. So she sent me this video. I know some people will say it rude but I think it hits home. Until you experience what I know some of my crafty friends have you will see that it is not rude. But then again some people will never get it. To me those are the people that are deceitful and have no morals let alone a conscious. So my crafty friends BE AWARE!